The Value of Midwives in Missions
We believe a skilled Christian midwife is a valuable cross cultural team member because she is able to gain favor and trust of families as she provides much needed maternal healthcare in sometimes desperate situations.
Pivotal Event – The birth of a child is a pivotal event in a family’s life and the care provider is often looked to for further advice. This influence can naturally transition from practical concerns to spiritual input – especially amongst cultures that view secular and religious life in harmony. The favor and influence of a Christian midwife helps to overcome some of the barriers that missionaries face in reaching their target group for Christ.
Global Urgency – There is a global urgency. Missionaries see the urgency to take the Gospel into unreached places. Governments faced with high maternal mortality rates recognize the urgency to provide quality maternal healthcare. This urgency provides opportunity.
Strategic Opportunity – For almost 20 years we’ve been studying the strategic role a Christian midwife offers to the World Christian Movement. We believe Christian midwives actively participating on the mission field are a viable asset to church planting teams and other cross cultural mission endeavors. As a mission leader attested – conversions to Christ flow out of compassion ministry;
‘In the old days development tended to follow evangelism. First we would proclaim the gospel, then minister to the physical needs by providing help with water, agriculture, and health needs. Now it’s often the reverse; development work provides an entrée into restricted countries, and conversions flow out of our compassionate ministry. In that way, too, we are partners with God. We strive to do God’s will on earth as it is in heaven so that God’s name will be known, even hallowed, amongst every people.’ – Dr. Neil Thompson, former US National Director of OMF International
We have personally witnessed how a team comprised of missionaries and midwives working together can provide a platform to share the gospel relationally.